
Past Meetings

Chapter Meeting - September 20, 2021

Date: Monday, September 20, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza 329 N. Main (Map)



Chapter Meeting - September 02, 2021

Date: Thursday, September 02, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza (Map)


Recap the banquet.

Discuss logistics of upcoming hunts.

Chapter Meeting - July 28, 2021

Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza (Map)


Card readers for Banquet are working for the most part. Will do test with fully charged units. Have the shirts in and are looking to get them embroidered. We have about 147 registered at this point. Will need to do one more FB push to tell people they can get tickets at the door. Need a ladder at the venue. Need to check into hanging banners. Check on internet coverage in the registration booth. Davin to pick up screen and projector by Friday.

Chapter Meeting - July 22, 2021

Date: Thursday, July 22, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza (Map)


Registration is up to about 125. Sponsorship is going pretty well. Slowing down some with reservations by sponsors. FB push #2 of pup went out today, noticing some nice reach so far. Jay reported many more sponsors contacted and are seeing several new ones. We are in need of some easels for display for pictures for auction - need about 10. Games added are the fishing game. Shirts are going to be sourced from local sources as PF is out of inventory. Jamie is providing rolls. Need coffee for set up.

Chapter Meeting - July 15, 2021

Date: Thursday, July 15, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza (Map)


Reviewed Sponsors for solicitation. People reviewed sponsors to contact Davin to be purchasing two tablets for credit card scanners. Have on chip reader have one on the way. Davin to get in touch with Andy and get some video on the dog for banquet. Committee shirts are going to be pulled from Scheels. May be iffy to get them in time. Discussion around the Matt Stacy memorial donation of $1080.

Chapter Meeting - July 07, 2021

Date: Wednesday, July 07, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza (Map)


Continue with 2021 Banquet planning.


Registrations are coming in. We have approx. 12 registration between online and hardcopy. Was discussion regarding making all registration online next year. Dog is good, Yellow Male Lab donated by Andy Grahamn. Marketing is all ahead full. KAUS radio interview on Tuesday July 20th - Davin & Arlen We are going to change up the card reader function to swipe credit cards. We will be purchasing 2 tablets to facilitate this. Food is going to be done by Jim's Market/ need to have someone pick up the protein from Hormel the day before. Working on developing new games for the banquet. Auctioneer is set-Steve Moline. Need to make purchases from ACE Hardware and Runnings - Arlen and Tom to cover. Time is tight to get matching shirts but we are contacting PF National to see if we can't get shirts for the chapter.

Chapter Meeting - June 23, 2021

Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza (Map)


Annual meeting


Flyers are ready to distribute around town. Website is up and running, waiting on hard ticket PDF. Invites are in the mail. Catering is Jim's Market. Pork sandwiches, beans, two salads, cookie and utensils. Need to check on when to get meat for Jim, usually the day before. Tom got 6 people to serve from Sterling volunteer group. Will donate to the Sterling volunteer organization for their work. Alcohol is taken care of by the fairboard. Need to discuss a few more games at next meeting when the bulk of our folks are back from the trap state competition. Have a black male lab for the banquet from Andy Grahamn.

Chapter Meeting - June 08, 2021

Date: Tuesday, June 08, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: Town Square Plaza 329 N. Main (Map)


21st Annual Banquet

Chapter Meeting - April 22, 2021

Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Virtual - Zoom
Directions: Virtual - Zoom (Map)


Mower County Habitat & Pheasants Forever Meeting Agenda

Thursday, April 22nd – 5:00 – via Zoom

Call to Order

Old Business
PTTP event nice success for first year. Good participation. Photos posted on our website and FB Page.

New Business

  • Welcome/updates
  • Introduction – Laura Newberg, new local farm bill biologist Austin Native, PF scholarship winner. Comes from Wilmar Dodge, Freeborn Mower and Steele Counties. Can help with private land questions, farm bill updates. CRP updates from USDA announced yesterday.
  • Worlein Property acquisition/restoration progress Still alive, looking for an easement.
  • Banquet Preparation – 7/31/21 – Mower County Fairgrounds

To Do’s:

  • Make posters & disperse all, group to distribute Amy, Jamie, Davin to develop poster.
  • Make program Amy Jamie
  • Marketing – Herald, Shopper, Power 96, Facebook, etc. Davin and Amy Flyer for marketing
  • Presale GOY and Ford raffle tickets
  • Food – what are the options? Jamie is going to check with Piggy Blues. Any other suggestions, please bring them to Jamie. HyVee Mike to get price quote.
  • Alcohol and beverages – what are the options? Mike to check with Jaycees on them doing the liquor license. Wendy will look into volunteer fire fighters doing liquor
  • Start soliciting donations – donation receipts/lists
  • Information/registration on website Davin to do when social media stuff goes up.
  • Games – add some more interactive/outdoor ones? Live rooster poop board, horse shoes, bean bag toss
  • Emcee? Jamie to MC and backup
  • Auctioneer? Mike to check with S. Moline of someone else. Lisa Dunlap to Dave Thompson
  • Purchase guns – what’s already at Coordes? Need to get that order into Craig ASAP Mike will wrangle the details.
  • Try to get a puppy – Jamie might have a lead on a lab. Tom and Lisa have dog connection too
  • Banquet package/prizes – can we still order from National?
  • Gambling Permit Arlen and Jamie
  • Purchases from Ace/Runnings All as events approaches.
  • Sound system/technology issues? Davin to quote AV for next meeting.
  • Tables/chairs – do we have to bring our own? Do they have enough? Stacia to check with fairgrounds on tables - Jamie to check with health department on serving and seating issues. Tom to verify gun issue on Fairgrounds.
  • Other?

Next meeting date? May 13th 5:00 pm
Meet at the fairgrounds for next meeting

Chapter Meeting - October 15, 2020

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Discuss final details for 10th Annual Youth Hunt.

Chapter Meeting - October 08, 2020

Date: Thursday, October 08, 2020
Time: 12:00 AM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Final Wrap up on DAV and HFAC Hunts.

Discuss final details of Youth Hunt.


Just wanted to put together a quick recap of our Zoom meeting last night Thursday October 8th. We reviewed that both the DAV and HFAC were huge successes, largely thanks to our chapter members who worked so hard to ensure they went over well. We ended up with 47 paid hunters for the HFAC, and also received several donations, the largest being $1,500 from Absolute Energy. We agreed to donate a total of $4,225 to the Hormel Institute and Davin is going to reach out to Gail Dennison about doing a check presentation. We now have the youth hunt coming up on October 17th. We need helpers to walk with the groups to ensure safety and keep an eye on them. If you can help out please contact Paul to let him know. Right now Paul has 33 confirmed hunters, but we will likely lose a few due to dropouts and other reasons. Note that all participants in the youth hunt must have completed firearms safety training or they cannot join us. This is a PF National rule and ensures we have insurance for the event, so absolutely no exceptions. We agreed that doing box lunches might be over kill and are going to look into simply providing cookies and drinks, similar to the HFAC. We agreed to have our next Zoom meeting next Thursday the 15th at 5:00. I will send out a link to the meeting next week. If I am forgetting anything from our meeting please chime in.

Chapter Meeting - September 30, 2020

Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Time: 6:30 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Finalize details for all three October hunts.

Chapter Meeting - September 24, 2020

Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Details of upcoming 3 hunts for October.


Things seem to be coming together for our three upcoming hunts – thanks to all of your hard work. Right now we have about 27 hunters lined up for DAV hunt, but will likely end up around 25 or so. We narrowed down our list of dog handlers for the event – please remember to let all dog handlers know that we want them at Three Arrows between 8:00 and 8:15 on 10/2. We agreed to keep the pods of hunters separate and then individually bring them thru registration and out to their fields. They will meet their dog handlers at their designated hunting fields as a way to further encourage distancing. Jay will run birds back and forth between the hunters and the cleaning station so that we don’t end up with a group of hunters waiting for their cleaned birds. Boxed lunches from Jim’s will be picked up around 9:30 in Austin, Hagen will bring down rolls and coffee around 7:30 or so. We will have one person handing out donuts, who will be masked and wearing gloves. We will have masks and hand sanitizer for all three of the events. Right now we are sitting right around 32 hunters for the Hunt For a Cure event. Same basic protocols as the DAV hunt, but distancing should be easier given that hunters will be starting at different times throughout the day. No food, auction, or merchandise this year for the HFAC event. Please get out and encourage folks to register for the event! Paul is doing a great job putting together the youth hunt. We will have two groups of approximately 15 kids each, one starting right away in the morning and then one in the afternoon. Each group will be given a boxed lunch after they complete hunting. One kiddo from each group will win a gun, which Paul has already purchased. We agreed to have our next group Zoom meeting next Wednesday, September 30th, at 6:30 PM. I will get a link out to the group for this call.

Chapter Meeting - September 17, 2020

Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Continue to follow up on details of this years DAV, HFC and Youth Hunts.

Chapter Meeting - September 03, 2020

Date: Thursday, September 03, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Discuss three hunts coming up in October.

Discuss moving our Banquet to the summer and another venue.


Things are moving along well for all three of our upcoming hunts – DAV hunt on 10/2, HFAC on 10/3, and the Youth hunt on 10/17.

Charles Mills joined us and mentioned that he already has 15 confirmed hunters for the DAV hunt, but expects up to 30. Tent is secured for the DAV and HFAC, still working on gathering chairs and tables. We talked about possibly purchasing box lunches and coffee/rolls – no sit down meal will be served. We already have $3,850 raised for the event and expect to get another $600. It sounds like we should have plenty of dog handlers to help with the event.

The biggest issue with the HFAC is that we need to get out and get more hunters signed up. Right now we have four signed up – Jamie Surdy, Andy Graham, Rob Silbaugh, and Mike Symonds. PF National isn’t allowing us to do online registration for the event, so participants will have to physically fill out a registration form. This form is available on our website, otherwise Davin or myself can get them to people. No lunches will be served, will again purchase coffee and rolls for hunters. Not doing any sort of silent auction, and will not be giving out merchandise, which will help increase profits. Absolute Energy again donated $1,500 to support the cause.

Paul – please let us know if you need help with the youth hunt. Jim Baldus has confirmed that he will donate boxed lunches for everybody. Again no sit down meal, and we will be giving away two guns this year.

We agreed to have our next meeting on Thursday, September 17th at 5:00, again via Zoom. I will send an invite out for this meeting.

Thanks, everybody! Jamie

Chapter Meeting - August 20, 2020

Date: Thursday, August 20, 2020
Time: 12:00 AM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Further discussion on Fall events and banquet.


It sounds like things are moving along well for our three upcoming hunts – DAV hunt on 10/2, HFAC on 10/3, and the Youth hunt on 10/17. We all need to get out and drum up hunters for the Hunt For a Cure, and encourage them to get signed up online before the day of the event. Dave is going to check in with Jim Baldus about getting bag lunches for the youth hunt – we will not be doing food at the HFAC. Paul – please let us know how we can help with other components of the youth hunt. Good problem to have, but we have too much funding for the DAV hunt, so we’ll likely have some funds to use for next year. Awesome! We spent a majority of our time talking about possibly switching the banquet to the fairgrounds and doing it sometime next summer. Arlen and Tom scoped it out, and both thought it would work very well to do it there. We would primarily utilize the purple ribbon plaza, but could also utilize outdoor space. We agreed as a group to make a final decision by mid-November, and tentatively tabbed July 31st as our date. Tom – can you check in with the folks with the fair board to see if we can place a “hold” on July 31st for a month or two? We agreed to have our next meeting on Thursday, September 3rd, 5:00, again via Zoom. I will sent out a link for the meeting prior to the 3rd.

Chapter Meeting - August 06, 2020

Date: Thursday, August 06, 2020
Time: 12:00 AM
Type: Chapter

Location: Zoom
Directions: Online (Map)


Discuss Fall Events and 2021 Banquet


We decided that we will still put on the Hunt For a Cure event and the Youth Hunt, but we will not be doing the Veterans hunt this year due to Covid and lack of funds.. This was more so a decision by the folks who work with the Veterans than us. We plan on keeping things very, very basic for the Hunt For a Cure and Youth Hunts. No food, no live auctions, and we are going to encourage online registration and other “socially distant” ways to make these events happen. This will require a little more pre-planning and organizing than in past years, but I think we can make it happen. The Hunt For a Cure is scheduled for October 3rd, and the Youth hunt will be on October 17th. We are going to pursue possibly bumping the banquet to summer time and doing it at the Fairgrounds. More to come on this after we check into the details a bit more. We agreed as a group to support the Southern MN Deer Hunters group with a project to fix up an access road on a large WMA with a $3,000 donation. We reviewed that PF National is debating putting a Regional Biologist in SE MN, and that our chapter would be responsible for $1,000 - $2,000 year to help cover this cost. This individual’s primary role would be to help sign up CRP acres in our area. Everybody seemed very interested in this idea. c We discussed that there is still hope for the Worlein/Austin Area Foundation property, and that we’ve found a family with neighboring land who seem willing to work with us. Nothing is finalized and no details to share, but there is hope. Our next meeting will be Thursday, August 20th, at 5:00 via Zoom. I will send out an invite for this sometime over the next week or so.

Chapter Meeting - March 04, 2020

Date: Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 301 North Main St. Austin, MN 55912 (Map)


Recap PF 2020 Banquet

Chapter Meeting - February 20, 2020

Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 301 North Main St. Austin, MN 55912 (Map)


Banquet Final Details


Attendance-We are at 195-200 expecting 70 at the door.

Sterling Drug came in with Silver Sponsor level today.

Tom got a case of 12 gauge Ammo.

Plan 8:00 got set up

Davin to check with Charles Mills regarding doing a DAV hunt again this year.

Chapter Meeting - February 12, 2020

Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 1003 9th Street NW (Map)


Currently at 145 tickets sold for the banquet.

Live auction is pretty well set. Prints, banquet stuff, hunt at Gus's and Ann's. Snowmobile Jacket, HFC for 4 shirts & hats + shoot 4 4. Three Arrows hunt for 4 hutners, Deer Stand and dog

Paul to pick up meat on the 20th.

Sue put out blast to trap team for help

Davin to do another FB push to feature the dog.

Davin to take picture of the safe @ Randy South Business.

Chapter Meeting - February 05, 2020

Date: Wednesday, February 05, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 301 North Main St. Austin, MN 55912 (Map)




We have a 24 gun safe for auction item and we are going to put (1) gun inside it to put on the auction.

We will have two number boards that will sell for $20 each.

Update on attendance is about 100 attendees.

Runnings will be a Gold sponsor

Jay reports that Pepsi will be a sponsor donating two lights and product promotional stuff. Nick's meat donated $100

Live Auction items are going to be decided upon

Ben will be doing two live hunts

A Couple of HFC promo packages will be put together have approximately 25 live auction items.

Davin to do another FB push to feature the dog.

Chapter Meeting - January 29, 2020

Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 301 North Main St. Austin, MN 55912 (Map)


David Hagen was able to discuss our land situation with Governor Tim Waltz to move forward the lager head of the land acquisition. Sean Oyaas, the Political Director for Governor Tim Walz will be working on getting us access.

Paul has been doing some work with the land and there was only a Quit Claim and not a land transfer done with the Worlein property.


1 game is the Cup Game - Stacia has details

2 game is Corn Hole - Mike Nelson has details - To be set up in the center of the room

Steve Moline is our auctioneer this year

We have about 55 tickets sold at this point

Joseph Company and Cedar Valley will be Gold Level Sponsors this year

Pulled Pork will be donated by Hormel again this year

Need volunteers to pick up pulled pork on the 20th around noon- Paul J. and one other

Tom, Arlen and Jamie will be doing purchases from Runnings

Davin to be doing plaques for recognition

Have a gun safe that we will be having on the auction this year. Mike to take pictures and we will get details to go with it.

Jay Pundenz got donations from: J & S 2 $25 gift certificates, 2 $25 gift certificates from Piggy Blues, Hearty Geranium-$95

Hickory Lake Kennel weekend boarding- Mark Grahmn

Chapter Meeting - January 13, 2020

Date: Monday, January 13, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 301 North Main St. Austin, MN 55912 (Map)


Meeting regarding getting items in order for the February 22nd Banquet.

Paul and Tom researching landowners with adjacent property to our Worlein property to get public access.


Facebook post of the event is up.

E-mail Blast went up and out to all PF members that we have e-mails for.

Jay Pudenz has solicited about 6 donations at this point.

Mike is working on a Mathews bow.

Mike Nelson also gave us an update on the guns we are going to have at the banquet

We are going to have some different games. Stacia is going to try to come up with two more games for next meeting

Do Hunt For A Cure packages. Live auction item with a hunt and a shirt and a cap with HFC.

Need to find a dog or two.

Need to find an auctioneer.

Chapter Meeting - January 02, 2020

Date: Thursday, January 02, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM
Type: Chapter

Location: Jamie's Office
Directions: 301 North Main St. Austin, MN 55912 (Map)


This meeting will be to move forward with our efforts for the 2020 Annual Banquet


Posters for hang up in Kwik Trip

Better guns for raffle this year. Need to step up our game for ticket sales.

Online registrations from our website and links to the PF National

Get award certificate of all current sponsors to show appreciation and mail them out.

Jamie to check on Meat donation from Hormel.

Davin to check with Joe on a Lab.

Jamie / Arlen to check on a gambling permit.

A short commemorative Governor's pheasant hunting Opener video with recognition to Nancy at the beginning will be produced.

A 20th anniversary video with also be produced for the program.

2024 Photos & Text Copyright - © Pheasants Forever Mower County - 670 - Pheasants Forever Web Design

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